The Code of Honor

The Code of Honor
Or, Rules for the Government of Principals and Seconds in Duelling


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The Code of Honor by John Lyde Wilson







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The Code of Honor
Or, Rules for the Government of Principals and Seconds in Duelling


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Book Excerpt

gns no cause for the delay, if you require it, you may double the time before you respond to him; for the wrong cannot be considered aggravated; if borne patiently for some days, and the time may have been used in preparation and practice.

Second's Duty of the Party Receiving a Note Before Challenge Sent.

1. When consulted by your friend, who has received a note requiring explanation, inform him distinctly that he must be governed wholly by you in the progress of the dispute. If he refuses, decline to act on that ground.

2. Use your utmost efforts to allay all excitement which your principal may labor under; search diligently into the origin of the misunderstanding; for gentlemen seldom insult each other, unless they labor under some misapprehension or mistake; and when you have discovered the original ground or error, follow each movement to the time of sending the note, and harmony will be restored.

3. When your principal refuses to do what you require of hi, decline further acting on that groun


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