A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga

A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga


(4 Reviews)
A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga by William Walker Atkinson









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A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga


(4 Reviews)
The publishers take the liberty to call the attention of the reader to the great amount of information condensed within the space given to each lesson. Students have told us that they have found it necessary to read and study each lesson carefully, in order to absorb the varied information contained within its pages. They have also stated that they have found it advisable to re-read the lessons several times, allowing an interval between each reading and that at each re-reading they would discover information that had escaped them during the course of the previous study. This has been repeated to us so often that we feel justified in mentioning it, that other readers might avail themselves of the same course and plan of study.

Book Excerpt

this consciousness being attained, he passes to the rank of the Initiates. When the Initiate passes the second degree of consciousness, and begins to grow into a realization of his relationship to the Whole--when he begins to manifest the Expansion of Self--then is he on the road to Mastership.

In the present lesson we shall endeavor to point out to the Candidate the methods of developing or increasing the realization of this "I" consciousness--this first degree work. We give the following exercises or development drills for the Candidate to practice. He will find that a careful and conscientious following of these directions will tend to unfold in him a sufficient degree of the "I" consciousness, to enable him to enter into higher stages of development and power. All that is necessary is for the Candidate to feel within himself the dawn of the awakening consciousness, or awareness of the Real Self. The higher stages of the "I" consciousness come gradually, for once on the Path there is no retrogressio


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It is over thirty years since I studied the entire works and teachings of Ramacharaka and even now his knowledge of yoga has proved invaluable in my own life as a Psychologist,Nuro-pathological re-mapping,without his teachings my own self knowledge would be lacking from my own understanding.Jai Sat Guru Dev.
I read this book the first time in 1968. It was instrumental in my life long study of Yoga. Because of the priceless knowlegde contained within this text I went to India where I met a Fully Awakened Yoga Master. In a sense I owe it all to "Ramacharaka" and this book. 10 Star Rating!!!
The reading of this book aided me beond words in finding the truths of this exsistance. I recomend it to everyone, those who are in need of its information will get more than they have ever desired.
Peace unto you
Maria Grace - Tatzlewurms, Wyverns, and Darcy
FEATURED AUTHOR - Six-time BRAG Medallion Honoree, #1 Best-selling Historical Fantasy author Maria Grace has her PhD in Educational Psychology and is a 16-year veteran of the university classroom where she taught courses in human growth and development, learning, test development and counseling. None of which have anything to do with her undergraduate studies in economics/sociology/managerial studies/behavior sciences. She pretends to be a mild-mannered writer/cat-lady, but most of her vacations require helmets… Read more