10,000 Dreams Interpreted

10,000 Dreams Interpreted
Or, What's In A Dream. A Scientific And Practical Exposition


(2 Reviews)
10,000 Dreams Interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller









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10,000 Dreams Interpreted
Or, What's In A Dream. A Scientific And Practical Exposition


(2 Reviews)
"Freud would roll over on his couch if he had what we have: a reprint of 10,000 Dreams Interpreted. It's simple. All you do is look up what you dreamed about last night, and Miller has the answer."--New York Magazine

Book Excerpt

ERVATION PROVES THE EXISTENCE OF A PSYCHIC WORLD, as real as the world known to our physical senses.

``And now, because the soul acts at a distance by some power that belongs to it, are we authorized to conclude that it exists as something real, and that it is not the result of functions of the brain?

``Does light really exist?

``Does heat exist?

``Does sound exist?


``They are only manifestations produced by movement.

``What we call light is a sensation produced upon our optic nerve by the vibrations of ether, comprising between 400 and 756 trillions per second, undulations that are themselves very obscure.

``What we call heat is a sensation produced by vibrations between 350 and and{sic} 600 trillions.

``The sun lights up space, as much at midnight as at midday. Its temperature is nearly 270 degrees below zero.

``What we call sound is a sensation produced upon our auditory nerve by silent vibrations of the air, themselves comprising between 32,000 and 36,000 a second.


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Some of the dream symbols are out-dated. But the bulk of it is very inciteful. I'm impressed that just "thinking" this up, he was able to get so many right.
Excellent dream book. Many of my own personal dream experiences can be said as it were are "by the book" in that I have experienced several of the dream experiences in the introduction. As far as interpreting and getting to the heart of dream symbology this is one of the best books I have come across by far. If you are just beginning to follow your dreams (no pun intended) then this is a must have for the dream entusiast, and student of cabala or the occult. Miller does a fine job with this book the interpretations are literal. In instances where the meaning may be unclear one is able to use his or her own intuition to arrive at a suitable interpretation.

Maria Grace - Tatzlewurms, Wyverns, and Darcy
FEATURED AUTHOR - Six-time BRAG Medallion Honoree, #1 Best-selling Historical Fantasy author Maria Grace has her PhD in Educational Psychology and is a 16-year veteran of the university classroom where she taught courses in human growth and development, learning, test development and counseling. None of which have anything to do with her undergraduate studies in economics/sociology/managerial studies/behavior sciences. She pretends to be a mild-mannered writer/cat-lady, but most of her vacations require helmets… Read more