one of the best books ever. the ideas
were so much fictional in a real way.
all the way, this book support the idea
that god created all, & made for everyone
a natural & insticts that never change
matter how science try to change it.
also, this book reveals that science
must be obligated to God laws
I was so much amused by reading such
a book for a genius like H.G. Wells
Recent comments: User reviews
1001 from breath-taking tales, very
brached & connected tales processed in much
simple way to understand
I guess that no one will regret the time
spent in reading this wholesome book
book i ever read. How does two totally
polar persons come along together.
I really liked the social conversation
between the characters & their ways to hide
their mutual attractions.
This definately my favourite book for
Jane Austen
were so much fictional in a real way.
all the way, this book support the idea
that god created all, & made for everyone
a natural & insticts that never change
matter how science try to change it.
also, this book reveals that science
must be obligated to God laws
I was so much amused by reading such
a book for a genius like H.G. Wells
There is only one Quran in this world, that
will never changed until the judgment day.
I'M against the idea of publicate the
Quran but that must done by the known
islamic translators.